Doing business worldwide comes with a great number of advantages: more opportunity, new markets, and greater business growth. However, this development means you might also find yourself trying to recover money from a customer who is not only in a different time zone to you but also has different laws to abide by.

Although in this situation you may worry you have to write the money off as irrecoverable, we can give you confidence in the knowledge that your international debt recovery options don’t diminish as soon as the debt crosses borders.


Doing business worldwide comes with a great number of advantages: more opportunity, new markets, and greater business growth. However, this development means you might also find yourself trying to recover money from a customer who is not only in a different time zone to you but also has different laws and customs to abide by.
Although in this situation you may worry you have to write the money off as irrecoverable, we can give you confidence in the knowledge that your international debt recovery options don’t diminish as soon as the debt crosses borders.